The Croatian Science Foundation, in collaboration with research funding organizations from Switzerland (Swiss National Science Foundation – SNSF), Bulgaria (Ministry of Education and Science), Hungary (National Research, Development, and Innovation (NRDI) Office), Poland (Polish National Science Centre (NCN) and Romania (Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) is launching the Call Multilateral Academic Projects.
The Programme is funded through the Second Swiss Contribution to selected EU Member States.
MAPS will be implemented through Joint Research Projects (JRPs) that are aimed at promoting collaborative projects with clearly defined goals. Each proposal must include at least one applicant based in Switzerland and two to five applicants in two to five different participating EU-13 countries (max. one applicant per country).
The applicants based in Switzerland must meet the eligibility criteria of the SNSF, while RFOs in each participating country might have their own restrictions on the eligibility of potential applicants and proposals, which are defined in Annex 2.
Project duration: the JRPs last between 36 and 48 months. All projects will have to be finalized before the 30 June 2029.
The maximum amount of funding per team and per country is CHF 350’000 for four years.
Proposals are to be jointly prepared by the applicants involved in the consortia. The Swiss applicant has the responsibility to submit the proposal via the SNSF’s electronic submission system mySNF ( Croatian team leaders are additionally required to submit additional documentation to HRZZ via the EPP system.
Deadline for pre-registration (mySNF): 01 May 2024
Deadline for submission of applications: 01 July 2024 (mySNF); 02 May 2024 (EPP)
Text of the Call and documentation can be found on the web site of the Croatian Science Foundation.