The Framework Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the Swiss Confederation was signed on June 30, 2015, and the final proposal of the Law on Confirmation of the Framework Agreement was adopted by the Croatian Parliament on December 15, 2016. The law entered into force on January 9, 2017.

The total value of the Swiss grant is CHF 45,000,000, and the implementation period is from 2017 to 2024.

National co-financing of projects is provided in the amount of up to 15% of the total value of the projects. The Swiss-Croatian cooperation program will be implemented until December 2024.

Management and implementation system 

From the Croatian side: MRRFEU as the National Coordination Unit (NCU), responsible for the overall implementation of the program, the Ministry of Finance as the Certification Body, and intermediary bodies and executive agencies, responsible for the preparation and implementation of projects within the Program.

From the Swiss side: the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss Contribution Office at the Swiss Embassy. 


Thematic areas of financing determined by the Framework Agreement:


Programme brochure

Find out more about the Programme in our brochure.