
During programming, funds are allocated to institutions, which, within the framework of individual programs/projects, allocate funds through published calls for submission of project proposals. As the first Swiss contribution is in the last year of implementation, there are currently no open Calls. The programming and implementation of the Second Swiss Contribution is underway, within which new Calls are expected to be published. All invitations, conditions and necessary documentation are published in the Tenders section.

The Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme is aimed at encouraging bilateral relations and establishing Swiss-Croatian institutional partnerships, with the aim of reducing economic and social inequalities within the enlarged European Union.

The Ministry of Regional Development and Funds of the European Union, as the National Coordinating Unit, is responsible for the overall implementation of the Programme. Ministry of Finance is the Paying Authority, Agency for the Audit of European Union Programmes Implementation System (ARPA) is the Audit Authority, and AFCOS Service (Ministry of Finance) is the Irregularity Authority. Intermediary bodies and executive agencies are responsible for the preparation and implementation of projects within the Programme.

On the Swiss side, the institutions involved are the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and the Swiss Contribution Office at the Swiss Embassy.