The project improved the knowledge and competences of children and youth on sustainable development topics and strengthened partnerships between civil society organizations, schools and local communities in raising awareness of sustainable development. Within the project, 43 (sub)projects of civil society organizations were implemented in partnership with other civil society organizations, schools, other institutions and units of local and regional self-government. The project strengthened the role of 90 civil society organizations for the education of children and youth on sustainable development topics.
Total project value: CHF 5.02 million
Swiss contribution: CHF 4.52 million
National co-financing: CHF 0.50 million
Civil society organisations
2017 – 2023
children and youth, local community
Project objective and results
OBJECTIVE: Promoting the contribution of civil society to economic and social cohesion through education for sustainable development.
RESULTS: Implementation of the projects strengthened the partnerships of civil society organizations, schools and other local stakeholders in raising awareness of the importance of sustainable development and created new networks of stakeholders with the aim of improving life in the local community. Partnerships between civil society organizations, schools and local community actors have been developed and/or strengthened in raising awareness of sustainable development. As partners, 114 schools, 90 civil society organizations, 8 public institutions and 13 local self-government units participated in the implementation of project activities. Through the project, 43 (sub) projects of civil society organizations were implemented in partnership with other civil society organizations, schools, other institutions and units of local and regional self-government. 26,859 children and young people were involved in the implementation of project activities, and 372 training programs on sustainable development were implemented. By applying informal, innovative learning methods, the concept of sustainable development was presented to children and young people in an adapted and understandable way. The establishment of school volunteer clubs has increased the awareness of children and young people about the importance and benefits of volunteering.
Resposible public bodies/contacts:
Executing Agency:
Government of the Republic of Croatia, Office for Cooperation with NGOs
Opatička 4, 10 000 Zagreb
Department for Implementation of EU Programmes and International Cooperation/ Department for Strategic Planning, Programming and Informing
tel: +385 1 4599 810
fax: +385 1 4599-811
Posredničko tijelo:
Government of the Republic of Croatia, Office for Cooperation with NGOs
Opatička 4, 10 000 Zagreb
Department for Financial Management and Quality Assurance
tel: +385 1 4599 810
fax: +385 1 4599 811
National Coordination Unit:
Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
Miramarska cesta 22, 10000 Zagreb
tel: +385 1 6400 600
Local changes to a sustainable future
NGO and PBG Block grant compendium and analysis (PDF, 6,6 MB)