Through the project, 11 research subprojects of Croatian and Swiss scientists were implemented, within which new researchers were employed. So far, 12 doctoral students, 5 postdoctoral researchers and 3 professional associates have been employed on projects in Croatia, while 7 doctoral students, 3 postdoctoral researchers and 3 professional associates are employed in Switzerland. As a result of joint projects, 30 scientific publications have been published so far. The project also carried out activities to strengthen the Croatian Science Foundation in the management of international projects.
Total project value: CHF 4.67 million
Swiss contribution: CHF 4 million
National co-financing: CHF 0.67 million
Public universities, research institutes
Scientists researchers; public institutions in which scientific research activities are conducted
Project objective and results
OBJECTIVE: Strengthening cooperation between Croatian and Swiss scientists in the field of scientific research through the transfer of knowledge, skills and technologies.
RESULTS: Through the project, 11 research sub-projects of Croatian and Swiss scientists were carried out, within which new researchers were employed. As a result of joint projects, 90 scientific publications have been published so far and 8 scientific awards have been awarded. The project also carried out activities to strengthen the capacities of the Croatian Science Foundation in the management of international projects, and the cooperation between the Croatian Science Foundation and the SNSF was extended to other European initiatives in the European Research Area. Thus, in 2018, the HRZZ joined the group of national European research funding foundations, which enabled further bilateral and trilateral research cooperation.
Resposible public bodies/contacts:
Project partner:
Croatian Science Foundation (CSF)
Ilica 24, 10 000 Zagreb
Department for International Programs and Funds
Hrvoje Mataković – hmatakovic@hrzz.hr;
Jasminka Boljević – jasminka@hrzz.hr;
Kristina Kotiščak – kristinak@hrzz.hr
Intermediate Body and Executing Agency:
Swiss National Science Foundation (Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Wildhainweg 3 P.O. Box
CH-3001 Berne
Ministry for Science and Education
Donje Svetice 38, 10000 Zagreb
National Coordination Unit:
Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
Miramarska cesta 22, 10000 Zagreb
tel: +385 1 6400 600
e-mail: ncu@mrrfeu.hr