Within the project, nine projects of civil society organizations were implemented with the aim of contributing to the sustainable development of local communities and improving the quality of life through the exchange of knowledge and experience, strengthening partnerships between Croatian and Swiss institutions, local and regional self-government units and civil society organizations and contributing to increasing local capacities for the management of local economic and social development.


Total project value: CHF 2.04 million
Swiss contribution: CHF 1.84 million
National co-financing: CHF 0.20 million

Swiss contribution: CHF 1.84 million
National co-financing: CHF 0.20 million

Local and regional government bodies (municipalities, cities, counties), public education institutions (kindergartens, elementary and secondary schools, universities), civil society organisations such as associations, foundations, private non-profit institutions and other organisations of a non-profit character that act in the public interest).

2017 – 2023

civil society organisations, local and regional government bodies in Croatia and Switzerland

Project objective and results

Improving economic and social development at local levels through the cooperation and partnership of Croatian and Swiss institutions, local and regional self-government units, and civil society organizations.


The grant supported  activities aimed at improving living conditions through the exchange of information, the transfer of knowledge and experience, and the application of good practice between the two countries. Nine projects were implemented, partnerships were established between 14 civil society organizations from Croatia and 10 civil society organizations from Switzerland with the aim of contributing to the sustainable development of local communities and improving the quality of life through the exchange of knowledge and experience. Moreover projects aimed to strengthen the partnership of Croatian and Swiss institutions, local and regional units (regional) self-governments and civil society organizations and to contribute to the increase of local capacities for managing local economic and social development. Nine projects were implemented in partnerships with Swiss civil society organizations, and two groups of activities were financed: cooperation between the two countries in areas that are important for the sustainable development of the local community and cooperation between the two countries in the field of road safety.

Resposible public bodies/contacts:

Executing Agency:
Government of the Republic of Croatia, Office for Cooperation with NGOs
Opatička 4, 10 000 Zagreb

Department for Implementation of EU Programmes and International Cooperation/ Department for Strategic Planning, Programming and Informing

tel: 01/4599-810
fax: 01/4599-811
e-mail: info@udruge.vlada.hr

Posredničko tijelo:
Government of the Republic of Croatia, Office for Cooperation with NGOs
Opatička 4, 10 000 Zagreb

Department for Financial Management and Quality Assurance

tel: 01/4599-810
fax: 01/4599-811
e-mail: info@udruge.vlada.hr

National Coordination Unit:
Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
Miramarska cesta 22, 10000 Zagreb

tel: +385 1 6400 600
e-mail: ncu@mrrfeu.hr

Local changes to a sustainable future