The Kick off conference of the project “Demining and Socio-Economic Integration” was held in the premises of Croatia Mine Action Centre in Sisak on 9th October 2018. At the beginning of the conference, director of CROMAC Zdravko Modrušan, Hrvoje Debač Acting director of the Office for Mine Action, Velimir Žunac the State Secretary of the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to the Republic of Croatia Emilija Georgieva and Deputy minister of the Ministry of Interior Mr Damir Trut addressed to the audience.
The project, whose total value is 24 million Kuna, consists of two complementary components – demining and socio-economic integration of mine’s victims. During the August and September, deminers cleared 1,74 square kilometers of protected area in the Kotar Forest, where they found more than 3.500 explosive devices. That is the highest number of explosive device that was found on one area in the past 20 years of demining in Croatia
In the upcoming period, activities of the socio-economic integration are planned to be performed, including the development of a comprehensive database of mine victims.
Kick off conference of the Project “Demining and Socio-Economic Integration”