Croatian Agency HAMAG-BICRO organizes a meeting of Croatian and Swiss biotech companies in Zürich

Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO) as a holder of Eurostars program organizes a meeting of Croatian and Swiss biotech companies in Zürich (Switzerland) in the period 12-16 February 2018.

The meeting is organized as event that will provide Croatian companies an opportunity to inform about the latest trends in biotechnology, exchange of experience, make new and useful contacts as well as finding partners for project applications within the Eurostars programme, through which Croatian companies can obtain non-refundable support.

On the first day of the meeting is envisaged to connect the representatives of Croatian companies with representatives of Swiss companies. On the second day of the meeting is envisaged the presentation of companies, presentation of their products and project ideas. Afterwards is planned to hold bilateral meetings between representatives of Croatian and Swiss companies.

Potential Swiss partners are: F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. – Roche Diagnostics, Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Microsynth AG, Debiopharm Diagnostics, Stratpharma AG, Switzerland Global Enterprise, Endeavour Vision SA and other companies.

The Eurostars programme is funded under the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme .