
Multilateral Academic Projects – MAPS

The Croatian Science Foundation, in collaboration with research funding organizations from Switzerland (Swiss National Science Foundation – SNSF), Bulgaria (Ministry of Education and Science), Hungary (National Research, Development, and Innovation (NRDI) Office), Poland (Polish National Science Centre (NCN) and Romania (Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) is launching the Call Multilateral Academic Projects. The Programme is funded through the Second Swiss […]

Multilateral Academic Projects – MAPS saznajte više »

Courtesy Call of H.E. Urs Hammer, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation

The Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds, Šime Erlić, received the Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to the Republic of Croatia, Mr Urs Hammer, for a courtesy call. At the meeting Ambassador Hammer and Minister Erlić discussed the cooperation so far and the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme, that is focused on activities that contribute to

Courtesy Call of H.E. Urs Hammer, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation saznajte više »

Opening ceremony of the educational trail in Kotar forest in Petrinja

On November 10, 2023, within the framework of the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme, an educational trail was officially opened in the mine-cleared area of Kotar forest in Petrinja. Ms Zrinka Raguž, State Secretary at the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, H.E. Urs Hammer, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to the Republic of Croatia, Ms

Opening ceremony of the educational trail in Kotar forest in Petrinja saznajte više »

Opening ceremony of the educational trail in Kotar forest in Petrinja

On November 10, 2023, within the framework of the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme, an educational trail was officially opened in the mine-cleared area of Kotar forest in Petrinja. Ms Zrinka Raguž, State Secretary at the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, H.E. Urs Hammer, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to the Republic of Croatia, Ms

Opening ceremony of the educational trail in Kotar forest in Petrinja saznajte više »

Final Conference of the Project “Demining and Socio-Economic Integration”

The final conference of the Project “Demining and Socio-Economic Integration” was held in Zagreb on Thursday, November 9, 2023, where the results of the Project and implemented activities were presented. The conference, on behalf of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Davor Božinović, was opened by the Director of the Directorate of Civil

Final Conference of the Project “Demining and Socio-Economic Integration” saznajte više »

Final conference of the Croatian-Swiss Research Programme

We are happy to announce the closing conference of the Croatian-Swiss Research Programme 2017-2023 (CSRP), which will take place on Thursday, 19 October 2023 at the Zagreb Innovation Centre ZICER (Pavilion 12 of Zagreb Fair, 1st floor). The Programme, funded through the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme, saw 11 joint research projects of Croatian and Swiss scientists funded in the period

Final conference of the Croatian-Swiss Research Programme saznajte više »

Courtesy Call of H.E. Urs Hammer, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation

The Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds, Šime Erlić, received the Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to the Republic of Croatia, Mr Urs Hammer, for a courtesy call. At the meeting Ambassador Hammer and Minister Erlić discussed the cooperation so far and the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme, that is focused on activities that contribute to

Courtesy Call of H.E. Urs Hammer, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation saznajte više »

Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds Nataša Tramišak and Swiss Ambassador to Croatia Urs Hammer signed an Agreement for the use of 1.58 million CHF of technical support to Croatian institutions for the implementation of the second Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme

On December 28, 2022, the Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds, Nataša Tramišak, and the Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to the Republic of Croatia, Urs Hammer, signed a Technical Support Agreement as part of the second Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme with a total value of CHF 1.58 million. Technical support consists of the Technical

Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds Nataša Tramišak and Swiss Ambassador to Croatia Urs Hammer signed an Agreement for the use of 1.58 million CHF of technical support to Croatian institutions for the implementation of the second Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme saznajte više »

Call for proposals for mine victims and their family members within the project “Demining and Socio-economic Integration”

Within the project “Demining and Socio-economic Integration” financed from the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme, the public call for awarding grants to encourage the development of entrepreneurship in the territory of the Republic of Croatia for recorded mine victims and members of their families for the year 2022 was launched at the web site of the Ministry

Call for proposals for mine victims and their family members within the project “Demining and Socio-economic Integration” saznajte više »

EUROSTARS – Field visit to final beneficiaries, 13 April 2022

On 13 April 2022 field visit was held to final beneficiaries within the EUROSTARS project funded under the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme. Participants of the visit were: representatives of the Embassy of the Swiss Confederation in the Republic of Croatia, representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and EU funds in the role of the National

EUROSTARS – Field visit to final beneficiaries, 13 April 2022 saznajte više »