Call for proposals for mine victims and their family members within the project “Demining and Socio-economic Integration”

Within the project “Demining and Socio-economic Integration” financed from the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme, the public call for awarding grants to encourage the development of entrepreneurship in the territory of the Republic of Croatia for recorded mine victims and members of their families for the year 2022 was launched at the web site of the Ministry of Interior.

Grants will be awarded in two groups:

Group 1: mine victims and their family members who start a new business,

Group 2: mine victims and their family members who want to improve their existing work.

Potential applicants are mine victims and their family members who can prove their status as a mine victim or a member of the victim’s immediate family following the end of war operations in the Republic of Croatia, or that they are registered in the Mine Victims Database of the Republic of Croatia managed by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia. Eligible applicants must have a place of residence/headquarters of a physical person or legal entity in the territory of the Republic of Croatia.

The total amount of non-reimbursable funds available under this Call is HRK 1,500,000 and the maximum amount that can be awarded per project proposal is HRK 100,000.

The intensity of the support amounts to 100% of eligible costs.

Eligible project activities are:

– strengthening the applicant’s business capacity through the purchase of equipment, modernization of space and equipment, and services for the purpose of improving business and strengthening its position on the market

– technical assistance and consulting services related to the collection of documentation, preparation for application to this public call, creation of a business plan and assistance in the implementation of the business plan up to 15% of the total value of the requested support.

The call is open until 14 November 2022, by 12 noon.

The instructions for applicants and forms can be downloaded on the website of the Ministry of Interior, Directorate for Civil Protection (