Workshop held within the project “Demining and Socio-economic Integration”

On April 6, 2022, a workshop was held in Gospić to support and provide direct counseling to mine victims and their immediate family members. This is one in a series of planned workshops within the project “Demining and Socio-economic Integration” funded by the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme and organized by the Croatian Mine Action Center – Center for Testing, Development and Training.

The aim of the workshop is to provide concrete advice through educational and interactive methods to help mine victims and their immediate family members cope with the challenges of everyday life and get involved in local community activities.

The workshop was attended by the Head of the Swiss Contribution Office at the Swiss Embassy Mr Roland Python and associates, and the opening was attended by representatives of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds in the role of National Coordination Unit for Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme.