On 8th and 9th of February 2018 in Varazdin County, representatives of the Ministry of Science and Education and the key stakeholders of vocational education met with the General Counsel of the Republic of Croatia in Switzerland, Mr Slobodan Mikac and Head of the Department for International Relations in Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET), Mr Erik Swars.
The purpose of the meeting was to enhance cooperation between different stakeholders involved on the project “Modernisation Vocational Education and Training programmes“ that has been implemented by the Ministry of Science and Education and to promote other activities regarding further improving of vocational education system.
As an example of good practice, Mr. Swars presented the Swiss Vocational Education System which can inspire stakeholders in the VET system for further enhancement of the Croatian system.
During their visit, Mr. Mikac and Mr Swars visited Varaždin County, the City of Varaždin and Secondary Vocational School in Varaždin in order to present the Swiss Education System.
After a visit at Vocational Secondary School, Mr. Swars held a lecture on the subject “Vocational Education in Switzerland”. The lecture was attended by the directors of vocational schools Varazdin and Medimurje counties, expert associates in schools, representatives of local communities in Varazdin and Cakovec, representatives of the Chamber of Economy and Vocational Teachers. At the end, it was talked about possibilities for further cooperation whereby stakeholders exchanged contacts so the cooperation can be achieved.